How to clean your dog's teeth
How to clean your dog's teeth
Dog oral hygiene is just as important as ours!
Follow our handy guide to keeping your dog's teeth clean and their mouth fresh.

Before you start
Before you start
Before you introduce a toothbrush or toothpaste you have to get your dog used to you touching their mouth.
This may take a few weeks so start practicing as soon as you can.
- Have treats handy
- Gently rub your dog's cheeks, then treat.
- Softly touch their mouth, then treat.
- Lift your dog's lip at the side, then treat.
- Rub your finger on their teeth, then treat.
- Repeat these steps daily until your dog is comfortable and relaxed with you touching their mouth and teeth.
- Practice a few times a day for a week
1. Introducing toothpaste
1. Introducing toothpaste
Ask your vet to recommend a dog toothpaste or speak to someone at your local pet shop. They come in all sorts of meaty flavours!
- Pop a tiny spot onto your finger and let your dog lick it off.
- Now pop a small blob onto your finger and use your other hand to gently open your dogs mouth.
- Rub the toothpaste along the gum line where gums meet their teeth.
- Repeat this routine everyday until your dog is relaxed and comfortable with it.
2. The tooth burush
2. The tooth burush
Ask your vet or local pet shop for the best dog tooth brush they recommend. Some dogs just will not let you use a brush of any kind so look for a finger brush instead. They are soft rubbery finger covers with small bristles.
- Pop a tiny spot of the doggy toothpaste onto the brush and let your dog lick it off.
- Now pop a small blob onto the brush and use your other hand to gently open your dogs mouth.
- Start by rubbing the brush along the gum line then around their teeth, like you brush your own!
3. Keep it up!
3. Keep it up!
You have put in all the hard work now you just need to keep it up!
See our Easy dog health check guide for what to look for in a dog's mouth.
If you notice any changes in your dog's mouth contact your vet for advice.​